We will be meeting in person in Room 109 in the Palmer Building at usual, but you can also join remotely via Zoom if you prefer. Please click here to join the meeting. You can join from 7.45 pm and the meeting will start at 8 pm. You will be muted when you join; please stay muted except when you have been asked to unmute, for recent sightings, questions, etc.
Neil started working in nature conservation in 1983 in the Farne Islands. Two years in South Africa/ the Sub-Antarctic and Minsmere amongst others were followed by a move to the RSPB’s Arne reserve in 1991. After 15 years there he decided to go freelance. He now runs Calluna Books and takes people bird and wildlife walking in Dorset and further afield. He is the author of The Best Birdwatching Sites in Dorset and in 2015 took over the Birdwatchers Yearbook, which he now edits and publishes.
The Prince Edward Islands are one of a number of Sub-Arctic island groups found in the southern hemisphere. In 1986/87 Neil was employed as a field research assistant there. His main task was to collect a variety of data and observations on the ‘predatory’ birds found there – the two species of giant petrels and the Sub-Antarctic Skua.