Pagham Harbour and wildfowling

Pagham Harbour and wildfowling

The ROC amongst other birdwatching societies, has been asked to help recently on the threat of introducing
wildfowling at Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve. The
Sussex Ornithological Society asked us to write and express concern about an
application for wildfowling at the site.

On behalf of ROC members, many of whom go to Pagham Harbour, at least once a year and probably more often, the
Chairman wrote to the West Sussex County Councillor on the Advisory Board to express concerns about the
application. This was acknowledged and at a recent meeting of the Board the written objections were a strong item
in the Board?s presentation of the future management plan for the reserve.

The next steps are for the Sussex Ornithological Society,
Sussex Wildlife Trust and
to state why the introduction of wildfowling would be harmful and for the wildfowlers to state why it would not!
Then a recommendation to the Council will be made by the Advisory Board.

If the recommendation is not accepted by the Council the matter may go to appeal and we will be asked to support
again. We will keep members up to date on developments and in the meantime, if you have a particular interest in
the matter please feel free to email or call Colin Wilson who is handling
the responses for the ROC.

Colin Wilson –

31 May 2004