Photo Competition

The BOC holds a photographic competition annually.  The 2025 date is Wednesday March 5th and entries are welcomed from all members.

This will be held at Reading University and on Zoom. You may enter non-winning photographs from previous years if you would like to try them again.

The closing date for entries is midnight on Friday February 21st.

This year you can enter photos in three categories. The number you can enter is fewer this year as we intend all entries to be commented on by the judge.  You can enter up to three photographs with a maximum of two in any one category. (Tip: there are always fewer entries in the Birds of Berkshire category).

  1. Portrait
  2. Flight and Action
  3. Birds in Berkshire

Please email your entries to using the naming format below. You will receive an email receipt for your entries. Entries on CD or data stick can be handed to me if you prefer.

The Club may use photographs of birds taken in Berkshire in its publications.  If any of your photos were taken in Berkshire, whichever category they are entered into, please tell us when and where you took them, by following the relevant file naming format below. Other photos, not taken in Berkshire, do not require the date and location.

File naming format for photographs taken in Berkshire   

YourName_Category_BirdID_DateTaken_Location – for example    JaneCampbell_Portrait_Robin_25May22_MoorGreenLakes

File naming format for other photographs    

YourName_Category_BirdID – for example    JaneCampbell_Portrait_Robin

There will be prizes of £25 (category winners) and £10 (runner up) vouchers from London Camera Exchange and, of course, the kudos of winning the Gordon Langsbury Memorial trophy on a vote of members at the end of the evening.

This is an enjoyable evening, open to all members. You do not have to submit many images if you have only a few or even just one you particularly wish to share – all are welcome.

Photographic Competition 2024

Gordon Langsbury Memorial Trophy Winner

Green Backed Hillstar by Bryan Hutchings

  • 2023: Tawny Owl by Dave Rimes
  • 2022: Blackbird by Brian Winter
  • 2021: carrion Crow by David Massie
  • 2020: Black Grouse by Brian Winter
  • 2019: Welcome Swallow by Richard Collins
  • 2018: Dunlin by John Absolom
  • 2017 : Fighting Pheasants by Michael Miller
  • 2016 : Red-footed Falcon by Mike McKee
  • 2015: Eider and young by Bill Watts
  • 2014 : Little Owl by Brian Winter
  • 2013 : Cory's Shearwater by Ken White
  • 2012 : Kestrel by Brian Winter
  • 2011 : Blue Tit by Dave Bartlett
  • 2010 : Black-necked Grebe by Marek Walford
  • 2009 : Arctic Redpoll by Nick Boyes
  • 2008 : Grey Heron by Bill Watts
  • 2007 : Pallid Swift by Michael McKee