The County Bird Record Database (covering the period 1996 – date) is the core information source used for research and reports on birds in Berkshire. Records come from a wide range of sources, including berksbirds, Birdtrack, some BTO schemes, the NDOC and other clubs and individuals. We have made the database accessible online to publish records more quickly and completely than is possible in annual reports, to make searching easier and to encourage research. The county annual reports and the Birds of Berkshire Atlas and Avifauna can be consulted for records prior to 1996.
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Records can be searched by:
- date or period
- location (by named sites, by topographical areas or by unitary authority)
- species
- observer
Use Shift/click to select multiple list items. Click on the column header to order alphabetically, by date or by count.
Many records in the database are replicated (eg come via both berksbirds and Birdtrack or come from different observers) and so a facility for removing duplicates is provided under “options” (the Notes and Observer fields cannot be displayed with this option).
Other searches, eg for records within a specified radius of a location, may be requested from the Recorder (a fee may be charged for searches for commercial use).
Confidential records: to protect scarce or threatened species or sensitive sites, records may be withheld or provided at a low site resolution, usually west Berkshire (west of easting SU60), mid Berkshire (between eastings SU60 and SU80) and east Berkshire (east of SU80). Please see the Club’s confidentiality policy and sensitive species list. Please apply to the Recorder, specifying the need, if more detail is sought.
Validation: The great majority of records are not subject to independent validation and are included as submitted by the observer. However, records of rarer species are subject to review by the Berkshire Records Committee or the British Birds Records Committee. Adjudication decisions that have been published in annual reports back to 2005 have been entered and only accepted records are shown. More recent records of rarer species that have not yet been adjudicated are shown, but are subject to review. For records of rarer species before 2005, the relevant annual reports should be consulted.
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The Berkshire County Bird Database is managed by the BOC, which is grateful to Marek Walford, who has provided the search application under license.