BOC Norfolk Weekend (February 2014)
BOC Trip to Suffolk & Norfolk (February 2013)
BOC Trip to Lakenheath Fen (June 2011)
BOC Trip to Lakenheath Fen – 19th June, 2011
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
A dozen or so people turned out to visit this Suffolk reserve. The strange thing about leading a trip is that you set your sights high and feel a bit disappointed if things are less than perfect. In some ways that was how my day to Lakenheath felt when I returned home, quite tired after a long day out.
No, we didn?t see any Golden Orioles, in spite of hearing their rich fluting calls many times and sometimes close: the poplar foliage is dark and dense, the light was leaden and the birds are notoriously elusive. And no, we didn?t see the Cranes, in spite of hearing their bugling calls while we were separated from them by the aforesaid dark poplar wood. And no, we didn?t see Bearded Tits, because it was just too windy for them. And yes, we did get wet a couple of times ? that?s June for you!
But, hey! For some of our group the magical sounds of Orioles and Cranes were new experiences and the sounds still thrilled those who knew them. And surely no-one is going to mind seeing a few Bitterns, Hobbies, Marsh Harriers and Cuckoos while waiting for the ?top? birds to show. After all, when were they relegated to the Championship?
In fact I had rarely heard the bubbling calls of our female Cuckoo so well, or so frequently. Nor had I ever seen two male Marsh Harriers dive-bombing an escaped Harris Hawk perched in a bush in the middle of their marsh. That was an odd experience! I noted three good Bittern sightings during the day, and counted at least six Marsh Harriers on a single sweep of just one area ? they were everywhere! I missed the Montagu?s Harrier that Martin and a couple of others saw later, but we did share a distant view of a pretty-convincing female Garganey.
Throw in Common Terns, a lot of Swifts, and an assortment of warblers ? Reed, Sedge, Whitethroat, Garden, and Cetti?s – plus a good helping of Reed Buntings, then even that Blue Tit can be forgiven for raising my pulse-rate by pretending to be a Bearded Tit.
And we mustn?t forget the ex-Water Shrew, like a tiny white-bellied Mole, which we found on the path ? you don?t find those every day – and Ian took the trouble to point out the special skin filaments on the feet which enable it to swim. The Weasel which David saw at the car park apparently had a bit more life in it.
And the finale, brief but glorious, was a quick trip to a bit of Breckland to witness some Stone-Curlews being bullied by a Rabbit. And that?s a Premiership bird if ever there was one!
Perhaps, on reflection, our cup was considerably more than half-full after all!
Ray Reedman – June 2011
A trip to Northern Greece (May 2011)
A trip to Northern Greece, 16?-22 May 2011
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here
This brief report is the result of a leisurely week spent in the area by Carol and Francis Hicks, Doug Page and Renton Righelato. We flew Easyjet from Gatwick to Thessaloniki, about a 3 hour, early morning flight (£127 return). Car hire was straightforward with Hertz, who along with Avis and others have desks in the airport.
Basically we restricted ourselves to three areas: Lake Kerkini, the Evros Hills (centred on Dadia) and the Evros Delta. The excellent site guide, Bird-watching in Northern Greece, by Steve Mills, was indispensable and highly recommended, a benchmark for the genre. The whole area is served by ample hotels and tavernas and with a good road system it is easy to work. A week was a little short ? ten days or so would have given more time for these sites and the opportunity to visit others (eg Porto Lagos).
The timing of our visit was a little late for many of the migrants and some of the earlier breeders had stopped singing; however, it made certain that specialist breeding species such as Masked Shrike and Olivaceous Warbler had arrived in numbers. An earlier visit, in late April/early May would enable more migrants (eg Red-footed Falcon and arctic-breeding waders) to be seen.
16th May: Arrived Thessaloniki 11.00 local time (two hours ahead of UK) and arrived at Lake Kerkini early afternoon. Birded the rough track heading west about 3.5km south of Lithotopos. We stopped 2.9 km along the track from the main road. Highlights: Masked Shrikes, Hobby, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear.
17th May: Lake Kerkini area, including the above track, the hills to the west of the lake and the eastern embankment of the lake. Highlights: Olive-tree Warblers, Sombre Tit, Masked Shrike, Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Honey Buzzard in the hills; Penduline Tit and the nest on the lake embankment. A short boat trip on the lake took us through an abundance of Pelicans (White and Dalmatian) and huge rafts of Cormorants. Pygmy Cormorants were present in smaller numbers.
18th May: A long drive eastward to Dadia village. En route we stopped at the Evros Delta Visitor Centre to pick up our pre-arranged permits for the military zone of the delta, which we visited briefly. Highlights: Spur-winged Plovers, Collared Pratincoles and Black-headed Wagtails.
19th May: A day spoilt by persistent rain through the morning. Dadia Forest feeding station and the start of the northern section of the old Boutros road were visited. Highlights: three species of vulture, Black Storks, Eleanora?s Falcon. Although Syrian and Green Woodpeckers were heard, woodpeckers proved difficult.
20th May: Lefkimi road and Kapsala radio mast in the Evros Hills. A late afternoon visit to the Evros Delta. Highlights: Lesser Spotted Eagle, Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Calandra Lark, Isabelline Wheatear, Lesser Grey Shrike and a large fall of Red-backed Shrike.
21st May: Morning in the Evros Delta and late afternoon on the Lefkimi road. Highlights: Lesser Spotted Eagle, Terek Sandpiper, Olive-tree Warbler.
22nd May: Morning in the Loutros valley then a long drive to Thessaloniki via the Philippi archeological site near Kavala. Highlights: Honey Buzzard, Long-legged Buzzard at nest site, Lesser Spotted and Short-toed Eagles, Black Stork, Masked Shrike. Overnight in Thessaloniki.
23rd May: Departed Thessaloniki at midday, leaving Pallid swifts breeding on the terminal building.
Red-crested Pochard: 10 Evros Delta
Quail: Surprisingly few ? 3 calling at the Evros Delta
Little Grebe: Common L Kerkini
Great Crested Grebe: Very common L Kerkini
Pygmy Cormorant: Reasonable numbers at L Kerkini and a few at Evros
Cormorant: Very large rafts on L Kerkini, probably several thousand birds
Great White Pelican: Common L Kerkini
Dalmatian Pelican: Common L Kerkini
Night Heron: Common at L Kerkini (as good a site in Europe?); a few at Evros Delta
Squacco Heron: Less numerous than Night Heron, but still easy to see at L Kerkini
Little Egret: Common
Great Egret: Small numbers L Kerkini and Evros Delta
Purple Heron: About five seen daily at L Kerkini and Evros Delta
Black Stork: 9 seen in the Evros Delta; 2 at L Kerkini
White Stork: Common. A flock of 70 were seen flying north over the Loutros valley on 22nd May
Glossy Ibis: A few seen at L Kerkini and the Evros Delta
Spoonbill: Reasonably common at L Kerkini. Small numbers in the Evros Delta
Honey Buzzard: One at L Kerkini, 2 in the Loutros valley
Black Kite: Small numbers at all sites visited
Egyptian Vulture: 4 at the Dadia feeding station
Griffon Vulture: 4 at the Dadia feeding station
Black Vulture: 8 Dadia feeding station, 6 Kapsala radio mast
Short-toed Eagle: 2 L Kerkini, 4 Dadia/Evros Hills and 5 in the Loutros valley
Marsh Harrier: Common in the Evros Delta
Goshawk: 2 Evros Hills
Common Buzzard: A few in Evros/Dadia
Long-legged Buzzard: 2 displaying on the Lefkimi road and a classic on a crag in the Loutros valley. These were very different from the smaller N African race, with an almost white head and aquiline shape.
Lesser Spotted Eagle: 3 Evros Hills, 1 Evros Delta.
Booted Eagle: 4 L Kerkini, 8 Evros Hills.
Kestrel: Small numbers at all sites.
Hobby: 2 L Kerkini, 1 Dadia.
Eleanora?s Falcon: 1 dark phase at Dadia.
Peregrine: At least 2 in the Evros Hills.
Water Rail: 1 Evros Delta
Black-winged Stilt: Small numbers in the delta.
Avocet: About 40 seen in the delta.
Collared Pratincole: Surprisingly few seen (8) in the delta.
Little Ringed Plover: 1 Evros Delta.
Ringed Plover: 2 Evros Delta.
Kentish Plover: At least 5 in the delta.
Spur-winged Plover: At least 30 seen on visits to the delta.
Lapwing: 1 Evros Delta.
Common Sandpiper: 1 Evros Delta.
Curlew Sandpiper: A minimum of 280 on the Evros Delta, many in full summer plumage, others still in winter plumage ? a fabulous sight.
Little Stint: A party of 20 L Kerkini and 18 in the Evros Delta.
Dunlin: Just one amongst the Curlew Sandpipers.
Ruff: 1 Evros Delta.
Curlew: 2 late migrants in the Evros Delta.
Terek Sandpiper: 1 adult summer plumage bird among the Curlew Sandpiper in the Evros Delta was one of the trip?s highlights. Excellent views of this charismatic wader.
Little Gull: 1 at L Kerkini and 1 at the Evros Delta.
Mediterranean Gull: Common at the Evros Delta ? over 100 on each visit.
Yellow-legged Gull: Widespread in small numbers.
Little Tern: At least 60 on the Evros Delta.
Gull-billed Tern: small numbers on the Evros Delta.
Whiskered Tern: At least 300 on L Kerkini.
Black Tern: About 100 on L Kerkini.
White-winged Black Tern: 1 among the Black Terns.
Turtle Dove: A pleasure to see this species in good numbers throughout the trip. 25 on the Evros Delta were probably migrants.
Little Owl: 1 Dadia village.
Common Swift: Very small numbers noted throughout.
Pallid Swift: Common Thessaloniki.
Bee-eater: Very common throughout.
Roller: Only seen in the east, where up to 10 were noted in Evros/Dadia.
Hoopoe: Very common.
Calandra Lark: At least 10 in the southern part of the delta; a pair seen in the northern part.
Short-toed Lark: Common along the dirt tracks of the delta.
Crested Lark: Common and widespread.
Woodlark: 1 L kerkini; several in the Evros Hills/Dadia.
Skylark: 1 in the Delta.
Crag Martin: Several Kapsala Radio Mast.
Red-rumped Swallow: widespread and common.
Tawny Pipit: 3 Evros Delta.
Black-headed Wagtail: Common in suitable habitat, such as the delta.
Grey Wagtail: A few by a stream in the Evros Hills.
Nightingale: Abundant; seemingly in every patch of shrubbery.
Isabelline Wheatear: 4 in western part of the Delta.
Black-eared Wheater: 3 south of Lithotopos, 3 Kapsala Radio Mast.
Blue Rock Thrush: At least 2 at Kapsala Radio Mast.
Cetti?s Warbler: Common in suitable habitat, both wet and dry.
Zitting Cisticola: Common in suitable habitat.
Great Reed Warbler: common in the Delta.
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler: Very common and abundant in scrub throughout, in gardens, roadsides field margins.
Olive-tree Warbler: 3 near Lefkimi village on the road t the radio mast, 2 with one bird singing and in display flight in hills on track 4 km south of Lithotopos.
Subalpine Warbler: Not uncommon, usually in oaks in hilly areas.
Eastern Bonelli?s Warbler: 1 in the Dadia Forest.
Sombre Tit: 1 seen well in hills south of Lithotopos; a few heard in Dadia Forest.
Short-toed Treecreeper: A few seen and heard in Dadia Forest.
Penduline Tit: Common in wet, shrub-filled ditches around L Kerkini and in the Delta. A completed nest seen from the eastern embankment of L Kerkini.
Golden Oriole: Common in suitable habitat.
Red-backed Shrike: Common in all areas.At least 150 were seen along a 3 km stretch of track in the western delta on 20th May (a rain front had passed through the previous day); if this transect were representative of the whole Delta, then several thousand birds would have been involved.
Lesser Grey Shrike: 1 among the Red-backed Shrike fall on 20th May.
Woodchat Shrike: Fairly common.
Masked Shrike: At least 5 in the Kerkini area; 1 on the Lefkimi road; 4 in the Loutros Valley. Not difficult to find.
Spanish Sparrow: Quite common in isolated groups in the Delta.
Serin: A few scattered in typical sites.
Hawfinch: Several in L Kerkini and Dadia areas.
Cirl Bunting: Small numbers at all sites except the Delta.
Black-headed Bunting: common.
Other species seen included: Mute Swan, Shelduck, Mallard, Grey Heron, Moorhen, Coot, Oystercatcher, Black-headed Gull, Common Tern, Rock Dove, Stock Dove, Feral Pigeon, Woodpigeon, Cuckoo, Green Woodpecker, Syrian Woodpecker, Sand Martin, House Martin, Swallow, Tree Pipit, White Wagtail, Robin, Dunnock, Stonechat, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Spotted Flycatcher, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Marsh Tit, Nuthatch, Jay, Magpie, Jackdaw, Hooded Crow, Raven, Starling, House Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Yellowhammer, Corn Bunting.
In total 149 species were recorded on the trip.
Report compiled by Doug Page, photos by Renton Righelato.
Renton Righelato – July 2011
Portland Bill, Dorset (April 2011)
BOC Outing to Portland Bill, Dorset April 2011
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
Portland Bill is about as far from the Reading area as it is possible to travel for a day trip, so only a few people (who had chosen to stay overnight) assembled at the Obelisk near the lighthouse at 6:45am for the early sea-watching session, but they were rewarded with many parties of Manx Shearwaters going up-channel in lines of up to 20 birds, several Red-Throated Divers, the odd Common Scoter plus a constant movement of Shags, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars and the common auks, some of them coming very close.
By 8am the activity on the sea was much reduced so we walked round the bushes near the Portland Bird Observatory (the old lighthouse) hoping for some grounded migrant passerines but the whole area was dead apart from the occasional Chiffchaff and Wheatear. On our return to the Obelisk to meet the later arrivers, we learned that we had missed the only Arctic Skua of the morning but we soon had compensation in the form of a passing egret, which looked big, and on more careful examination could be seen to have very long legs and dark feet, so we decided it was a Great White Egret (a breeding bird because the bill looked dark). This egret flew eastwards past the peninsula before turning out to sea again, so was it on its way to one of the breeding colonies in northern France or the Low Countries?
After 10am we walked up towards the top of the cliffs hoping for a Peregrine or some migrants in the fields, but that area was as empty as the bushes had been, apart from a few Rock Pipits, another Wheatear and a steady stream of north-bound Swallows overhead. It was the 5th in a succession of fine, calm days and so I suppose that the migrants had already passed through, to the disappointment of our BOC group and several other biding groups. There must have been at least 50 birders in 4 groups searching the area ? maybe we just scared them all off!
We moved on to Lodmoor RSPB reserve, though some people chose to divert to Radipole RSPB reserve in central Weymouth to see the Hooded Merganser that has been there for 2 years or more, and which was looking particularly fine in breeding plumage at the time. At Lodmoor, we walked the perimeter path, but here too there was a marked lack of passerines, except for many singing Dunnocks and Reed Warblers, though we did get several brief views of a flock of Bearded Tits. Eventually we came across a knot of birders crammed into a small gap in the hedge who were looking through the gap at something on the scrape that turned out to be the Long-Billed Dowitcher that had been in the area for several days. When the crowd thinned, we were able to watch it at close range as it bathed and preened and those with cameras got good pictures. Further scanning of the pools revealed a group of four Whimbrel that were clearly seen by all.
On balance we had a good day, with fine weather, three ?rarities?, several hard-to-see birds and a day list of 68 species, but the general lack of migrants was disappointing, but perhaps it was too much to expect everything.
Raptormania in Andalucia (April 2011)
Raptormania in Andalucia, April 2011
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
Ken White and Sarah Priest are clearly hooked on raptors, hence the title of their programme. Within a few minutes of donning our binoculars, it seemed that they had rounded up seven suitable eccentrics to join them. We hadn’t been off the plane for an hour and we were already communicating in a birder’s patois which would have out-foxed any sane sun-seeking Brit tourist looking for the beach.
“Red-rumped!” “Pallid!” “Bee-eater!” “Zit!” “Sardine!” “White-Headed!” “Pratincole over!” ” Two Kentish!”
There was just so much happening that communications short-cuts seemed in order. Standing in the middle of a desperate little remnant of marsh within the creeping Costa construction, nine members of BOC had got straight into a mode of enthusiasm and cooperation which would have won us any bird race. Apart from the leaders, there were Ros Hardie, Richard Stansfield, Ishmael Hazari, Ken Bradley, Chris Munford, Mary and me, all of us raring for more of Andalucia. That afternoon spent at the Guadalhorce Reserve was kiddies-in- the-sweet-shop stuff, as Stilts, Curlew Sandpipers, Wood Sandpipers, a Purple Heron, two immature Flamingos, Swallowtail butterflies, and so much more, set us up for the rest of the week in a big way.
Next morning we saw our first incoming Booted Eagle from Punta del Carnero. An hour later we pulled in to watch a horde of invading Griffon Vultures and a Short-toed Eagle play “hide behind the hill”. When one of the “Griffs” soared down to check us out, the “wow factor” really came into play! If the Hampshire White-tailed Eagle was a barn door, this chap was the barn!
A few hours later we were back to birder shorthand as the heat of early afternoon brought in a flurry of activity at a viewpoint above Tarifa…
“Three Griffs off the head!” “Monty’s coming up the valley!” “Egyptian to the left!”
The strong easterly wind was not helping the birds to make the crossing: a string of Black Kites straggled wearily up the valley and we watched in awe as a distant flock of thirty precious Black Storks struggled against an invisible force which threatened to send them in pursuit of Columbus – into the ocean blue! There is nothing beyond, the Romans had said on the nearby Pillars of Hercules, and that would have been true for any weak migrants in that wind.
In late afternoon, the farmland of La Janda, was dotted with White Storks, Cattle Egrets and “real” Red-legged Partridges. The skyline was frequently broken by Montagu’s Harriers and, once, by a flock of Collared Pratincoles. Purple Swamp-hens were in the gullies and, and on higher land, we found Little Owl, and Woodchat Shrikes.
The next morning it was all rock and roll on the heights of El Torcal near Antequera: Rock Bunting, Rock Sparrow, Blue Rock Thrush, Crag Martin, Alpine Swift, Subalpine Warbler… (The roll, by the way, was in the picnic.) Thekla Lark was a nice find, but a Melodious Warbler was a real surprise. Then off for a spot of culture, with an afternoon spent admiring the exquisite gardens and the view at the Alhambra in Granada: a Firecrest for some here, and a nesting pair of Lesser Kestrels, not forgetting the snow-covered Sierra Nevada behind and an evening visit to the exquisite palace interior. That was a long day, since it was after one a.m. when we got back.
The fourth day brought more rocky crags, this time beyond Ronda, with Choughs and Black Wheatear, and the first passionate discussion about the fine details of the two Short-toed Lark species. But it was the Lagunas – Dolce and Fuente de Piedra – which indulged us most. Over sandwiches we located a Black Tern among the many Whiskered Terns, enjoyed a fly-through of Gull-billed Terns, spotted a Little Gull, counted about twenty Black-necked Grebes, and admired the flight of several adult Flamingos. At the larger lake a few miles on, more than a few hundred gorgeous Flamingos mingled with a variety of waders, including about twenty Little Stints. This was a busy, surfeit of water birds set against a sparkling, windy mass of blue water – and our first Glossy Ibis overhead.
El Papudo, our delightful first guest-house, was situated on a hillside above a citrus orchard. In the shrubs of its walled garden sang Nightingales, Serins and Sardinian Warblers. A dawn outing to the hillside above brought an assortment of songs, with Bee-eaters and a handsome Whinchat.
We were moving further west that day to a new base near Barbate. A stop at a coastal cafe allowed us to sea-watch as we drank coffee: some Sandwich Terns, yes, but Balearic Shearwaters and distant Scopoli’s Shearwaters were the real bonus here!
The Barbate marshes looked a bit raw, with un-vegetated new profiling work, but there were several small waders – Little Stints and Kentish Plovers among them – as well as our first Spoonbill, and a riot of wonderful wild flowers around the margins, among which a Short-toed Lark fed. There were more Pratincoles here too, but a small host of Calandra Larks became our major entertainment, as their impressive black wings carried them up into the sun.
Later that afternoon we arrived at El Palomar de Breña, an 18th Century hacienda-turned-hotel, with a facade and courtyard straight out of a spaghetti western. It boasted the largest dovecote ever built, which now housed several Lesser Kestrels and a pair of Little Owls. As we walked back to the nearby forest of Umbrella Pines to look for more birds, an Osprey cruised in from the sea and over our heads. We found Short-toed Treecreeper, Redstart, Cirl Buntings etc., but most importantly a definitive example of Lesser Short-toed Lark to settle any doubts once and for all.
Our final full day was spent on the marshes near Sanlucar, the junior branch of the celebrated Doñana delta of the Guadalquivir. This smaller reserve was still an impressively huge area of grassland and marsh, seething with a feast of birds. Our entree was Glossy Ibis and Night-Herons, with a main course of Marbled Duck, Red Crested Pochard and Little Tern, plus dessert of Slender-billed Gulls. Side dishes were Iberian Yellow Wagtails, flocks of small larks, and assorted waders too numerous to list -and, by the way, hundreds more Flamingos. An incoming flock of Black Kites brought with them our one Red Kite. A Griffon Vulture at rest on a field was an impressive sight. The strong east wind at the estuary of the Guadalquivir was redolent of the voyages of exploration which once departed from nearby Cadiz and from up-stream Seville,
Then it was homewards, via a morning in the Sierras looking (in vain) for nesting Bonelli’s Eagles on another giddy crag. A few good bird sightings, including another Booted Eagle, were almost eclipsed by the sight of a small herd of Spanish Ibex, complete with tiny kids, clambering over the precipitous cliff, a sight which I would not have missed for anything.
But we had a date with Easyjet at Malaga. My last impression of the birds of Andalucia was of the “Zit! Zit!” calls of a displaying Zitting Cisticola over the car-hire yard. What a daft name that is!And what of the non-birding aspects? Most of all we had enjoyed each others’ company, seen a lot, and learned a lot. We had had some great evening meals in Tarifa and in the crag-side village of Benarraba, which more than off-set a couple of less-satisfying experiences. The Cortijo el Papudo guest-house was perfection, while La Palomar had both character and quirks.
The main objectives of the trip had certainly been fulfilled: we had enjoyed a range of experiences and habitats, and, in spite of the adverse winds, we had seen some impressive examples of visible migration. Having family to visit in Australia and Canada, Mary and I have had little birding experience in the Mediterranean, so there were a couple of dozen new birds on our list, and there were “rarity moments” for even Ken and Sarah, so it had been a very successful trip. We had a collective list of over 140 species, which included thirteen raptor species, Europe’s two rarest ducks, and one of the rare gulls.
The great success of the trip was primarily due to Ken and Sarah’s impeccable organisation, to their un-shakeable good nature and consideration, and not least to Ken’s endurance behind the wheel. The rest belongs to our companions, who were great to be with.
Ray Reedman – June 2011
(Group shot courtesy of Sarah, flight shots by Ken, Thekla Lark by Mary, others by Ray).
This was the first overseas trip of recent years to be organised under the BOC flag. Ken and Sarah are currently planning three more such trips over the next eighteen months, which will be fully integrated into our excursions programme. Keep an eye on your BOC programme, as places will be limited. The trip fee covered flight, minibus costs, and accommodation (single occupancy a bit more). We found it to be excellent value for money. Personal insurance was extra. We budgeted 30 Euros pp a day for meals etc., which was adequate. By general consensus, we shared all evening meal and drink costs equally, regardless of choices, since that saved everyone a lot of calculations and hassle at the end of a busy day.
France on a shoestring (March 2011)
France on a shoestring
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
A small group of BOC Members wanted to do some different birding and see a few special species in March so took advantage of a one night stopover in France. Ferry fares are often very cheap at this time of year and the DFDS lines Calais to Dunkerque service offered a package of car plus up to four adults for £20 return. We caught the 08.00 ferry arriving two hours later at 11.00 French time. On the way Gannets, gulls and Kittiwakes were abundant and Sandwich terns and Shag were sighted close to Dunkerque.
Our first main stop was Marquenterre Reserve in the Baie de Somme, many say you love it or you hate it but it certainly offers a lot of birding in a small space. Entry was ?9.90. For more details see–fre3.html. In the car park, we ate our pre-packed lunches from home (we took lunch food for two days – some of us for six!) before entering the Reserve proper. Unusual Great Tit songs occupied us while we munched! The reserve has toilets and a café.
A large wood structure close to the entrance provides a birds eye view of the reserve and from there we started to tick off many species on our impressive bird list of ninety for the trip. Maybe the Crossbill that called from the top of a pine was good but the White Storks nests and Spoonbills carrying nest material were better? Or was it the pair of Whooper Swans on the pools? As we made our way along the paths and tracks seeing the fields, ponds and lakes it was evident that spring was already in full flow. Willow Warblers sang everywhere, Chiffchaffs gave visual comparison opportunities while Cetti’s Warblers sang in the ditches and Swallows and Sand Martins fed over the lakes.
Avocets were everywhere in impressive numbers with Oystercatchers and a few Redshank and Snipe. The odd Black-tailed Godwit could be seen here and there. White Wagtails were everywhere and later a distant Yellow was seen (possibly M.f.Thunbergi). A solitary immature Crane also fed happily in a field.
Plenty of duck were present with Pintail, Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler widespread. Grebes were better, Great crested and Little were outshone by up to five Black-headed Grebes in superb plumage.
Last time we came here Mediteranean Gulls were breeding but this time we saw only Black-headed preparing to breed. However, about fifteen Little Gulls provided some great entertainment.
About this time rain tried to stop play but a bit of patience saw us able to walk most of the reserve and return via the heronry where Spoonbills, Grey herons and Little Egrets were already on nests with White Storks in good view. We saw Cattle Egret over the reserve and Night herons also breed there.
The hides are big but provide challenges as the small holes to view through are not always aligned to individual heights, Ted also found the ceilings a problem at times! However, photographic opportunities are considerable with birds quite close to the hides.
After our visit, and allow at least four hours and more there if you can, we set off for an overnight stop at a Formule 1 hotel in Venette, near Foret de Compiegne about 1½ hours drive away. This hotel chain will provide a room for ?26 a night with twin beds and a wash basin. Toilets and showers are a few steps away. A basic breakfast is about ?3. It’s not the place you’d take your partner to if you wanted to impress her but value for money is unbeatable. Beer(s) and a meal for the night down the road was more than the cost of the hotel!
On a wet morning we made our way to the forest south of Compeigne on the D973 and found a suitable parking place midway along the Route Forestiere des Nymphes. As the weather dried up we started to explore. The forest is actively managed, everywhere trees are chopped down and left lying and replanting or regeneration is evident. Although some areas of young growth looked marginally interesting tall trees dotted around gave hope and as we entered the forest on foot we realised some oases of very old trees had been left amongst the younger growth.
Marsh Tit were everywhere, Long-tailed, Blue and Great Tit were added to by a party of Crested Tit. A pool of rain water on a track led to bathing and drinking opportunities and we watched as Chaffinch, Robin and suddenly, two Hawfinch dropped by.
Into the wood as we found Treecreeper (not Short-toed – we checked!) and Nuthatches, we heard an unfamiliar call which turned out to be a wonderful Middle Spotted Woodpecker, a really special find and it showed remarkably well – but not one of us had a camera! Nearby, a Tawny Owl was disturbed and flew to a visible branch for good observation.
Naturally Black Woodpecker was a target and while Green was heard singing (or was it Black?) and Great Spotted were seen, we could not locate the prize. However, late on our visit as we had to head back towards port we heard the flight call close by without doubt. The lack of a sighting provides the spur for another trip!
A two hour drive back to Calais provided rest, (except for the driver) with a reviving Black Kite en route and after a vital mission to collect a pre-ordered wine supply from a French vineyard we just had time to visit Oye Plage, a coastal reserve between Calais and Dunkerque. As we approached a Marsh harrier over the fields gave us hope and we were surprised to find a really good site. With limited time we managed only the main locations and hides but added a number of species such as Curlew and Greater Black-backed Gull to our lists. Many species were here and it is worth a good half day at least as a Mediterranean Gull breeding colony is known and the habitat was very promising.
Our haste meant we could not do the site justice but we will be going back there soon. Only a 20 minute drive from the ferry terminal it provided a fitting end to a good visit and we arrived home about 11pm very pleased with our budget visit. Next time we may go a little later as Bluethroat and more passage migrants will be present to improve our lists even more. We covered 600 miles in the car and sharing the costs, ferry, hotel and entry fees etc it cost much less than £100 a head so well worth trying again – but take cameras and you’ll get plenty of opportunities!
Further details can be obtained from or colin.wilson
Colin Wilson – 4th April 2011
Pennington Marshes (October 2010)
Pennington Marshes, October 2010
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
It was 10.10.10 and I suppose we should have arranged to start at 10 a.m. But by that time, a dozen or so of us were already enjoying a breezy day in the marshes. A grey start soon gave way to beautiful sunshine, the contrast symbolising the changing season which would be reflected in the day?s birding.
Flocks of Starlings, Goldfinches and Greenfinches were very active over the scrub and grazing marsh. A number of Swallows were hawking over the area for most of the day, together with a few House Martins. Other small-bird activity during the day included a distant flock of Linnets and plenty of Meadow Pipits, but careful checks found us both Rock and Water Pipits too. The odd Grey Wagtail and a few Pied Wagtails were appreciated, but we were somewhat surprised to find a late Yellow Wagtail among the cattle, especially one without a tail! Less surprising were several passage Wheatears.
The sea-watching was not too productive, though there was one very active and elusive Red-throated Diver to confuse with two feeding Cormorants.
There were plenty of the more common ducks in the pools, though the odd Pintail drake in partial eclipse proved a challenge and a good find. There were only modest numbers of Brent Geese, which were easily outnumbered by Canada Geese, whose grazing-neighbour was a Roe Deer.
Waders were a better bet generally: one of the pools by the path produced a male and a female Ruff, as well as long views of a Water Rail. Around the grazing marshes were several Curlews and Little Egrets. On a rising tide, the off-shore shingle-bars sported an assortment of Great Black-backed Gulls, Grey Plovers, Ringed Plovers, Oystercatchers, Knot and Dunlin, with eight Avocets making a brief touch-down. The patch of shingle beach near the breakwater produced several Turnstones and one Sanderling (photo). The pools were even more rewarding, because among the larger numbers of Black-tailed Godwits, Redshanks and others were a few Greenshanks and one juvenile Little Stint.
But the best came almost at the end of the walk, as we returned from the Keyhaven pools. A flock of Golden Plovers had landed in a pool which we had watched earlier. As we stopped to scan them I noticed that one stood out from the others. The most obvious feature was that it was in a later stage of moult than the rest, with shadows of its summer patterns still visible. But it seemed to have a more slender build too. I had seen plenty of American Golden Plovers on the other side of the Pond and the alarm bells started ringing. The difference was obvious to everyone else. Seen through the scope, the ground coloration of the mantle was distinctly greyish-brown, rather than the bright gold of the surrounding birds. I couldn?t believe my luck when the bird raised its wings to show a greyish under-wing shading which was much darker than that shown by one of its neighbours. Moult plumage is not covered well in reference books, but I could find nothing in them that evening to change my initial diagnosis. It had been a very lucky find to conclude a pleasant day out.
Ray Reedman
Northumberland (June 2007)
Northumberland – 7th – 10th June 2007
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
In view of the way the weather turned during the week after we got home, we were the luckiest people! We had a perfect trip?
Some of us had been able to set out earlier in the week to make additional visits: Harry and Lin spent time in the Lake District and joined us with tales of Eagle Owls in Lancashire. Mary and I spent Wednesday exploring a part of the Peak District and casually came up with some very convincing Black Grouse and a Raven on moorland stretches. It is fair to say that we thought that a good start.
On Thursday morning we met Colin, Bill, Ted, Alan, John and Ruth at Fairburn Ings RSPB near Castleford. Tree Sparrows were at the feeders to greet us, though we were less lucky with the Willow Tits. This site consists of a collapsed coal-mine and its associated spoil heaps, which, exactly fifty years on, provide a remarkable range of dry and wetland habitats with an assortment of warblers, wildfowl and waders. Perhaps our greatest surprise was a female Goldeneye, but a whole family of Black Swans came a good second.
The final 150 miles or so took us up past the Angel of the North and on to Embleton, on the Northumberland coast, where our hotel looked out onto sand-dunes, a golf course, and Dunstanburgh Castle. It was no surprise therefore that most of us were out at 6 a.m. next morning searching through the multiple offerings of a nearby nature reserve and enjoying the visual feast of auks, Gannets and terns off-shore. On subsequent mornings we repeated the exercise below the hotel, finding Little Terns among the many birds off-shore, while the dunes and hedges below the hotel produced numbers of chats, pipits and buntings. Three Grey Partridges fed on one of the fairways, but Colin?s sharp ears had located a Grasshopper Warbler. No surprise then that we were twice back in the gloaming after supper, eventually to locate a shadowy bird reeling from the top of a small bush.
But all of this was incidental to the main trips?
Friday was spent on the Cheviots, in moorland terrain south-west of Wooler. We had hardly parked the cars below the heights of the curiously-named Skirl Naked when our local contact, Trevor, spotted the first Dipper in the stream. We soon found Whinchats, Stonechats and Wheatears up the valley, with Willow Warblers in the ancient alders, but the hour we spent watching the steep hillside opposite was the most magical. The calls of Ring Ouzel brought us views of at least two and maybe three birds, as each challenged its neighbours. Oystercatchers and even a pair of Goosanders flew along the valley, while Curlews fluted along the skyline above us.
In the second valley we made our bid for specialities in a heavily-wooded spot by another stream. Spotted Flycatchers obliged, but Pied were less helpful, and Redstarts likewise. But we did see a Red Squirrel move through the canopy. A pair of Curlews spent some time over the hill-top in pursuit of a very tatty Buzzard, but it was the Peregrine streaking past later that made a more impressive sight. As the afternoon wore on, birding was somewhat less fruitful, until a pair of Lesser Redpolls showed up. A Painted lady Butterfly was the first of the season for most of us. We spent an age scanning the hillside bracken for Red Grouse, but eventually decided to pursue another lead. Trevor told us of a high moorland road where we might do better. And we did! It took about ten minutes to find a family group which showed beautifully in the scopes. As we searched, Alan saw a Merlin streak low over the moor, but it was too quick for the rest of us.
Saturday was the real highlight of the trip. On arriving at Seahouses, we found Eider ducks lounging in every available corner. We booked ourselves onto the boats in a state of high anticipation. The weather had been too rough lately, but we had timed it perfectly and enjoyed a smooth run out to the first rocks. There is nothing quite like the excitement of seeing strings of Guillemots and Puffins streaking past the boat, sometimes within a few feet ? unless it is the excitement of a skein of twenty or so massive Gannets doing the same thing! Kittiwakes and Fulmars also passed close by. The place was seething with birds! Soon we were by a rock and eye to eye with Cormorants, Herring Gulls, a young Grey Seal and a Great Black-backed Gull. A Shag and a Cormorant stood side by side as if to ensure that we made note of their differences before going any further.
None of that had really prepared us for the mass of birds thronging the cliffs as we approached the outer island of Staple. The gentle swell of noise was the second thing to register as we ran into the landing. Then, as we climbed the steps into the throng of birds, we experienced the pervading fishy scent of the thousands of sea-birds that occupied the rocks and burrows of this tiny island.
Suffice it to say that the next two hours were extraordinary, as we watched birds attend eggs and chicks. Guillemots hurtled in on the wing, stalled, plummeted into the throng, and then waddled absent-mindedly to find their partners. Razorbills quietly showed them how to behave more sensibly. Shags shuffled around stealing bits of nesting material to add to their flat structures. Kittiwakes returned, shouting their name as their changed places on the high dome of weed. Fulmars sat tight in soft corners. Inevitably, it was the Puffins that entertained most. Hurtling in like large mechanical beetles, and carrying precious cargoes of sand-eels, they dropped next to their burrows and were underground in a trice. A bird would then reappear, look around, find a bit of height on a rock, wind up its wings, and then hurtle off again on the next mission. Funny to watch, but not so funny if you are that tiny bird trying to dodge the lurking Herring gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls! Amazingly we also saw one tiny Rock Pipit gathering insects for her young near all of this chaos and danger, and even a butterfly or two.
All too soon we were on the boat again for the run to Inner Farne, via rocks where a close encounter with the story of Grace Darling gave us an even closer encounter with some massive adult Grey Seals. Through a turbulent gap for a short way, we then made the smoother run to a landing under St Cuthbert?s Chapel.
This was the bit that we remembered so well from Bill Oddie and David Attenborough ? or from Alfred Hitchcox?s ?The Birds? to be more honest! As we climbed the path, Arctic Terns swooped and screamed in indignation as they protected territories built within inches of the boardwalk. It was a curiously paradoxical privilege to have one perched on my hat and trying to drill through to my scalp with its blood-red, sharp little bill. As for the guano assault, it took three goes to sponge that out of my jacket later! The beautiful little blighters were everywhere for the first stretch, but they had no manners and it was a relief to get beyond them to watch the large cluster of beautifully-behaved Sandwich Terns. Then came the gentle Eider Ducks curled up in the weeds or on the rocks, then many more of the now-familiar auks, Shags and Kittiwakes. And there was even an Oystercatcher in a rocky hollow near the lighthouse.
With a bit of time to spare for some more challenging birding, some of us spent the last half-hour searching through the flock of terns on the beach rocks near the landing stage. Most of these were non-breeding birds, some with clear signs of immature plumage. They included Arctic, Common and Sandwich Terns, but we were hunting for some Roseates that had been seen the day before. No luck though, and a Ringed Plover was not much compensation.
The return journey was still an active one, though not for a bunch of birded-out passengers. Ted and I were the two lucky ones who spotted the one Manx Shearwater of the day. And those impressive Gannets just kept on streaming past on their way back to the Bass Rock (real specimens of Sula bassana, these!), which was some 50 miles to the north.
One final pre-breakfast session on Sunday, and then we were on the road south, but with an important break of a couple of hours at Blacktoft Sands, near Goole, some 160 miles down. The fifteen mile detour proved to be well-worth the trouble, with the pools, reed-beds and bushes producing, among other things, Avocet, Bittern, Black-tailed Godwit, Bearded Tit, Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Tree Sparrows, and even two Garganey drakes.
Making our way home from there independently, Mary and I switched on our own kettle soon after 7 p.m. We had over 900 miles on the trip meter, an immense increase in the year list, and several hundred photos to process later. We both agreed that this had been one of the best birding trips ever. Our heartiest thanks for that go to Colin for his superb planning and to the others for their good company.
Ray Reedman
Extremadura (May 2006)
Extremadura – 4-10 May 2006
A copy of the text of this report is available to download here.
4th to 10th May 2006. Jonathan Cooke, Francis Hicks, Renton Righelato
The benefits of an early start to Heathrow, a BA flight spot on time and prompt disembarkation were irritatingly countered by an hour?s wait for baggage at Madrid?s Barajas airport and a further hour for the Hertz agent to issue us with our car! Though it felt more like driving a tractor at first ? a Kia Sorrento ? a 4WD vehicle was necessary for the rough tracks we anticipated (and met). A two hour drive, in thick mist on the south side of the mountains, took us to the Sierra de Gredos, where we were to stay a night at the pleasant Parador.
Much of our itinerary was based on John Muddeman?s ? A birdwatching guide to Extremadura?. The maps in the book are poor and one should not rely on road numbers given! Roads can have several different numbers and those given in the book often differ from those on the ground, which may differ from those on road maps. It is important to verify routes with village names etc.
En route from Madrid the motorway (A5) provided a sparse but pleasant range of species including White Stork, Cattle Egret, Common Crane, Crested Lark, Spotless Starling, Spanish and House Sparrows. The road into the mountains from the motorway added Red-rumped Swallow and Azure-winged Magpie.
Sierra de Gredos
Afternoon 4th May; weather showery, c 15C. The promised Citril Finches were not obvious in the car park of the parador, which did, however, boast Crag Martin and Black Redstart on its walls. We left to take a short drive west a few km then south toward the car park for the walking circuit of the Gredos peaks. Because of the poor weather, we walked around along wooded stream banks and farmland that afternoon. Bonelli?s Warblers were singing stridently in any patch of woodland; notably warmer brown than the autumn vagrants in the UK. Green and Great spotted Woodpeckers, Pied Flycatcher, Firecrest, Nuthatch and Three-toed Treecreeper (with a much louder song than we are used to with our Treecreeper) were also in the woods. Rock Bunting was the common bunting in the area, even where there were few rocks. Ortolan Bunting was difficult to find, though one was heard singing and seen briefly. Birds of prey seen here were Short toed Eagle, Honey Buzzard, Red Kite, Black Kite, Kestrel, Hobby. Greenfinch, Serin, Siskin, but still no Citril Finch by the end of the day.
Frustrated by this, some of us prowled the hotel car park early the next morning, eventually hearing and seeing a Citril Finch on one of the pines. We went up to the car park at the end of the road into the mountains, stopping in various habitats of the way, adding Little Egret, Woodlark, Woodchat Shrike, Roller, Bee-eater and the Spanish race of the Yellow Wagtail to the birds of the previous day. The walk from the car park into mountains was delightful: Griffon and Black Vultures, Booted Eagle, Black and Red Kites; lots of Skylarks, Thekla Lark, a Water Pipit, Chough and the highlight ? half a dozen Bluethroats (spotless but assumed White) singing in the brush. We should have spent longer here, but had to move on to Trujillo in the afternoon.
On our return journey to Madrid the next week, we spent a few hours on the southern slopes of the Gredos at 400-500m. The woodland and farmland provided excellent views of Honey Buzzards, numerous Golden Orioles, Bee-eaters and a Citril Finch.
We stayed five nights at the Posada dos Orillas in the beautiful old centre of Trujillo. Not the cheapest of hotels, but excellent rooms, disturbed only by the clacking of White Storks and yells of Lesser Kestrels, both species nesting on the buildings around the Plaza Mayor.
In the gardens around the town were Sardinian Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Tree sparrow, Hoopoe, Bee-eater, Red-rumped and Barn Swallows. Amongst the Common Swifts around the bull ring were a small number of Pallid Swifts. Black Kite were the commonest large raptor; Kestrel and Lesser Kestrel the common smaller birds of prey. A Golden Eagle flying over a spine of low hills just west of the town was a surprise.
From Trujillo, we took a number of trips around the countryside to see the main habitats: open cork forest; rolling savannah with cattle and sheep, spectacularly covered in wildflowers in May; agricultural areas mostly with wheat and some rice paddies. These do not always correspond with the descriptions in Birding in Extremadura as the state of grazing of pastures and the position of crops can vary from year to year. There are numerous small valleys with streams or dips with ponds ? these were often worth stopping to check. At one close to Trujillo a Melodious Warbler was singing its heart out sitting on the outside of a bush through the middle of the day.
In several places we saw Great Bustard and Little Bustard on the savannah; 13in the largest party of Great Bustard, a huge bird and powerful flyer. Parties of Pin-tailed Sandgrouse were seen occasionally, the best spot being a watering hole off a track running N from the EX 373 to Monroy, 10 km from its junction with the EX208/N524 north of Trujillo. This spot was also good for Stone Curlew. Crested Larks were the predominant lark species, with Short-toed Lark, numerous Calandra Lark, and the troublesome Thekla Lark also seen here. Tawny Pipit was relatively scarce on the savannah and Corn Bunting was ubiquitous. Quail were occasionally heard calling. Southern Grey Shrike were common along roadsides throughout the region.
Griffon, Black and Egyptian Vultures patrol the savannah and at one point we saw perhaps a hundred birds collecting on the ground around something we could not see. Black Kites everywhere, but the Black-shouldered Kite proved totally elusive. Montagues Harrier was seen in several places, particularly numerous on the EX373 from Trujillo to Monroy. We saw one Marsh Harrier in the same area. Little Owls were occasionally seen on roadside posts.
We visited little wet land: a reservoir SE of Zorita (Embalse de Sierra Brava) and rice paddies near Vegas Altas. Islands on the reservoir had Black necked, Great Crested and Little Grebes, Red Crested Pochard, Black Winged Stilt, Little Ringed Plover, Gull Billed Tern, Little Tern breeding. A roadside pond with a reedbed had a group of Great Reed Warbler. Rice paddies, which have to be searched for as the flooding is moved from year to year, had a similar range of species. The area around Vegas Altas was recommended for Black Shouldered Kite, but they escaped us. Cetti?s Warbler and Zitting Sisticola were heard in several places.
The Monfrague national park has a series of bird-watching honey pots along the EX208 and CC911. Parking spots, often with hides and explanatory notice boards, look on to rock outcrops with colonies of Griffon and Black Vultures, nests of Black Stork, Spanish Imperial Eagle (excellent views) and Eagle Owl (we only saw the chick).
The vertiginous top of the castello at the Sanctuario de Monfrague is described as a good vantage point for surveying the region and seeing raptors from above. We spent some hours here searching the swifts: numerous Common Swifts, a few Alpine Swifts, but no White Rumped. Local birdwatchers told us that they are now extremely rare, though I understand that Dave Cotteridge saw some the following week. Perhaps due to the air conditions, we saw relatively few raptors from the castello, but elsewhere around the park we saw Short toed Eagle, Booted Eagle (a common bird everywhere) and a rather distant Bonelli?s Eagle, as well as Griffon, Black and Egyptian Vultures.
A marked trail from the park centre at Villareal de San Carlos took us through some of most spectacular wildflower meadows I have seen and through woodland with large numbers of Woodchat Shrike singing and displaying. Here, the Nightingale song was complemented by Orphean Warbler. Subalpine Warbler was to be seen in the cistus scrub and Sardinian Warbler in several scrubby habitats.
We saw 140 species in the six days, including more raptors than I have seen anywhere and plenty of bustards, the iconic birds of the plains. Birds hoped for but missed: White Rumped Swift, Black Shouldered Kite, Black Bellied Sandgrouse and lots of other less special species that are to be found in the area. Overall an excellent trip in an area with perhaps the greatest avian diversity in western Europe. If I did it again, I would (a) stay longer – there were many areas we simply had no time to visit; (b) stay at least two nights in the Gredos and in the Monfrague park; (c) get up earlier in the morning!
- Black necked Grebe
- Little Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Cormorant
- Cattle Egret
- Little Egret
- Grey Heron
- Purple Heron
- White Stork
- Black Stork
- Shelduck
- Mallard
- Red Crested Pochard
- Griffon Vulture
- Black Vulture
- Egyptian Vulture
- Golden Eagle
- Spanish Imperial Eagle
- Short toed Eagle
- Booted Eagle
- Bonelli?s Eagle
- Red Kite
- Black Kite
- Marsh Harrier
- Montagu?s Harrier
- Common Buzzard
- Honey Buzzard
- Sparrowhawk
- Kestrel
- Lesser Kestrel
- Hobby
- Red legged Partridge
- Quail
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Crane
- Great Bustard
- Little Bustard
- Black winged Stilt
- Stone Curlew
- Collared Pratincole
- Little Ringed Plover
- Lapwing
- Common Sandpiper
- Black headed Gull
- Little Tern
- Gull billed Tern
- Pin tailed Sandgrouse
- Rock Dove
- Woodpigeon
- Collared Dove
- Turtle Dove
- Cuckoo
- Great Spotted Cuckoo
- Little Owl
- Eagle Owl
- Barn Owl
- Common Swift
- Alpine Swift
- Pallid Swift
- Hoopoe
- Bee-eater
- Rollor
- Green Woodpecker
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Skylark
- Crested Lark
- Thekla Lark
- Woodlark
- Short toed Lark
- Calandra Lark
- Crag Martin
- Sand Martin
- Barn Swallow
- Red rumped Swallow
- House Martin
- Tawny Pipit
- Water Pipit
- White Wagtail
- Yellow Wagtail
- Grey Wagtail
- Wren
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Nightingale
- Bluethroat
- Black Redstart
- Northern Wheatear
- Stonechat
- Blue Rock Thrush
- Mistle Thrush
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Orphean Warbler
- Sardinian Warbler
- Whitethroat
- Subalpine Warbler
- Zitting Cisticola
- Cetti?s Warbler
- Great Reed Warbler
- Melodious Warbler
- Bonelli?s Warbler
- Firecrest
- Spotted Flycatcher
- Pied Flycatcher
- Great Tit
- Coal Tit
- Blue Tit
- Long Tailed Tit
- Nuthatch
- Short toed Treecreeper
- Woodchat Shrike
- Southern Grey Shrike
- Azure winged Magpie
- Magpie
- Jay
- Jackdaw
- Chough
- Carrion Crow
- Raven
- Spotless Starling
- Golden Oriole
- House Sparrow
- Spanish Sparrow
- Tree Sparrow
- Rock Sparrow
- Linnet
- Goldfinch
- Greenfinch
- Siskin
- Serin
- Citril Finch
- Chaffinch
- Hawfinch
- Reed Bunting
- Ortolan Bunting
- Cirl Bunting
- Corn Bunting
- Rock Bunting
Renton Righelato