ROC Calendar 2007

We have produced an ROC calendar for 2007. It features Tufted Duck, Waxwing, Buzzard, Kingfisher, Willow Warbler, Lapwing,
Yellowhammer, Swallow, House Sparrow, Red Kite, Barn Owl, Fieldfare and Robin. All of these are beautifully photographed and
generously donated by our President, Gordon Langsbury.
The calendar is wire-bound and in a handy A4 portrait format and will be available to ROC members at just £5 at all meetings in
the autumn. You may reserve any number of copies in advance (this will help to ensure adequate supplies) or, alternatively,
arrange to have one or more posted to you (p&p extra). Non Members may purchase the calendar for £6 plus p&p.
To place an order, contact Ray Reedman on 0118 9864338 or email
Colin Wilson –