Auction of painting by Robert Gillmor
The Club has been given this beautiful water colour of a pair of Tufted Ducks by Robert Gillmor to raise money for the Club. Sealed bids are invited and will be opened at the last indoor meeting of this season on 28th March. Size: Painting 140 x 200 mm;frame 380 x 460 mm. Price guide: in excess of £300.
Bids, bearing the name and address of the bidder and bid value, should be put in a sealed envelope marked ?RG painting? which must be with the Secretary by 8pm on 28 March 2012.
Bids may be handed to the Secretary at an indoor meeting or sent to: The Secretary, Berkshire Ornithological Club, 7 Fawcett Crescent, Woodley, Reading RG5 3HX.
The envelopes will be noted by the Secretary with the time and date of receipt. A bid by the Secretary must be similarly noted by the Chairman. The Chairman and Secretary will open the bids and announce the winner during the interval of the meeting on 28 March 2012 in Room 109, Palmer Building, University of Reading. If there are equal winning bids the first that was received wins the painting. All bids, other than the winner, will be held confidential by the Chairman and Secretary.

Renton Righelato –