Wild Oakingham guided tour

Contact Liz Carr Lizc374@gmail.com
Wild Oakingham, just north of Stoke Row in Oxfordshire is 80ha of stud farm which has been rewilded over the last 3 years and is part of the Rewilding Britain initiative. The resulting explosion of food and habitat for birds is beginning to produce some exciting results in terms of abundance and biodiversity.

Numbers are limited to 20 so booking is essential.
Meet at Wild Oakingham at 10.30am. Parking is available off Cox’s Lane (what3words///newspaper.beats.curving) The guided tour will be followed by a light lunch, for which there will be a small charge £3 to £5 – full details will be shared with attendees nearer the time.

To reserve your place, contact the organiser, Liz Carr, by 11 May at the latest.