Watching from the first screen at this time of year can be rewarded with views of such as Bittern and Marsh Harrier
Thurs 25th April 2019
This iconic valley site contains large areas of marsh and reed-beds, as well as dense hedgerows, so it is a magnet to all sorts of species, including Cranes, which have attempted to breed here. In late April many of the warblers, including Grasshopper and Lesser Whitethroat, will be singing and displaying. Marsh Harriers and Bittern are now regular breeders, as are many species of waders and wildfowl. This is a good place to hear and see the display flight of Snipe. The Cuckoos and Hobbies should be back and hopefully also the iconic and increasingly rare Turtle Doves.
Meet at the car park at 10 a.m. (SP569125/OX3 9TD nearest)