Please note – all our indoor meetings now start at 7.30 pm.
We will be meeting in person in Room 109 in the Palmer Building at usual, but you can also join remotely via Zoom if you prefer. Please click here to join the meeting. You can join from 7.15 pm and the meeting will start at 7.30 pm. You will be muted when you join; please stay muted except when you have been asked to unmute, for recent sightings, questions, etc.
Monitoring nests for the Nest Record Scheme (NRS) is easy to do, with little prior experience required. This talk will cover what the scheme is about, how to record the information needed, while prioritising the birds themselves.

Lee Barber works for the BTO, coordinating the NRS and several national ringing schemes such as the Constant Effort Site Scheme, Re-trapping Adults for Survival and the Winter Ringing Project. He trains trainee bird ringers to ring birds and monitor their nests safely, while collecting the best information they can.