Please note – all our indoor meetings now start at 7.30 pm.
We will be meeting in person in Room 109 in the Palmer Building at usual, but you can also join remotely via Zoom if you prefer. Please click here to join the meeting. You can join from 7.15 pm and the meeting will start at 7.30 pm. You will be muted when you join; please stay muted except when you have been asked to unmute, for recent sightings, questions, etc.
Kevin Cox will talk about species recovery this evening. How science can support declining and endangered species to make a comeback. He’ll cover examples from the UK such as Bittern and Cirl Bunting but also overseas, including Vultures and Blue-throated Macaw. He will also talk about the importance of habitat creation and management as a condition for evidence-based species recovery.

Kevin is Chair of Council RSPB. His interest in international conservation led to his involvement with the World Land Trust where he is a Council member and Chair of its trading company.
He is a former Chair of Devon Birds and a member of the BTO, WWT and Devon Wildlife Trust amongst other conservation organisations. He lives in Devon on the edge of Dartmoor where he and his wife manage 150 acres of woodland and meadows as a nature reserve.