An Osprey fishing at Rutland Water
Saturday 17th August 2019
This is a trip to the biggest gathering of bird enthusiasts in Britain. There are extensive exhibitions of all sorts, and a wide range of free talks by some of the world’s experts. There is the chance to do some special bird watching too, since the site is a magnet to all sorts of birds – not only the Ospreys which breed locally and, increasingly, Great Egrets, but also a wide range of passage waders, wildfowl, terns etc.
(NB. This trip will now be biennial, so your next chance will be in 2021.)
Depart 7.00 a.m. Whiteknights Park, Shinfield Road main entrance (SU728719 / RG6 6UR)
Pick up: 7.30 a.m. at Braywick Park (Braywick Sports Ground) Braywick Rd Maidenhead (SU892798/ SL6 1DX)