Following half a century of gravel extraction in the Blackwater valley around Eversley on the Berkshire/Hampshire border, a nature reserve was created around Colebrook and Grove Lakes, each of which has a viewing hide. A large extension to the reserve (not shown) is being constructed to the west of Colebrook Lake, comprising pools, scrapes and reedbeds. A footpatth along the River Blackwater west from Colebrook Lake overlooks the new wetland area. The reserve is managed by the Moor Green Lakes Group, whose website provides more information.

Access: At the western end, there is a small car park off Lower Sandhurst Road (SU 805 628), and at the eastern end, the Activity Centre car-park off Mill Lane (SU 821 620). Please check the Moor Green Lakes Group website and signs on site for closing times of car parks.