Joining the BOC
Anyone who supports the aims of the Club can join as a member. Our aims are to:
- educate people about wild birds
- promote the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in Berkshire.
Supporting the Club by joining as a member will help us further these aims. It will also entitle you to:
- receive our Club welcome pack, including a copy of both Where to Watch Birds in Berkshire and Berkshire’s Birdscapes
- attend our programme of indoor and outdoor events
- receive our regular illustrated newsletters
- printed copies of the Club’s annual reports, the Birds of Berkshire, when they are published
- apply for a permit to enter Queen Mother Reservoir.
To join or renew your membership either:
- complete the online application form and follow the instructions for payment, or
- download and print the membership application and renewal form, fill in the details and, either post to the Membership Secretary at the address shown at the bottom of the form, or scan back in the completed form and email it to the Membership Secretary (
If any of your contact details change subsequently, then please email the alterations to the Membership Secretary.
Subscriptions are due on the 1st October each year, except that those joining after 1st May enjoy up to 17 months’ membership before renewing. Subscriptions are:
- Individual: £20
- Family : £25
- Student in full time education/Junior*: £10
You can pay online, by cheque or by standing order. We encourage members to pay subscriptions by authorising us to set up an annual standing order on their behalf as this facilitates membership administration: a discount of £2 is offered to all members paying in this way. See the standing order box in the membership application and renewal form.
* for Junior members under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must complete an application form as above and sign on behalf of the Junior member.
Privacy policy
The Club does not provide its members’ personal details to any organisation or company. It will not do this in future without first consulting members. Records retained are used solely for the administration of the Club and its activities.