Reedbed development plan for Lavell?s Lake gets the go ahead

Reedbed development plan for Lavell?s Lake gets the go ahead

The Friends of Lavell?s Lake are embarking on a major expansion of their reedbeds with the help of a
Countryside Stewardship grant at Dinton
Pastures. The 10 year plan will see a five-fold increase in the area of Phragmites. Fraser Cottington,
FOLL?s chairman, said:

?The bit I am most excited about is the Phragmites reed bed expansion, as we have already begun felling Poplars on
the main island and will soon commence removing vegetation from the lake edge, to make way for three 10 metre deep
strips of about 100 metres sections of island lake edge will be pushed into the lake to create a shallow shelf,
which will be duly planted with Phragmites. Phase one is now and is likely to be the most visible area to the right
as you look out of Teal Hide. The other two phases are set for year 3 & 7, resulting the whole West, North &
Eastern sides of the main island are one long reed bed.?

The net result will be something like a 500% increase in Phragmites reed area and Fraser is pushing hard to get
that ‘Wintering Bittern Watch Point’ status thoroughly established for Lavell?s.

To do it, FOLL will be running 2-3 more work parties through September, as quite a lot of tree removal is going to
happen and the timber has to be cleared. Fraser needs as many new hands as he can get to ensure finishing before
October, which is the immediate deadline. Working parties will be on Sundays 12th, 19th and Saturday 25th
September from 10 am, meeting at the Lavell?s car park.

If you can help, please contact: Fraser Cottington:, Tel: 07855 333616.

Renton Righelato –

31 August 2004