Recordings of BOC talks available online

We are delighted to announce that many of our recent illustrated talks are now available to watch online.

These talks are part of our full programme of events. They are normally held at the University of Reading from October to April, but during the 2020-21 season we held all of our talks online. We are now back at the University, but we are still streaming them live online so that people can watch remotely.

This has allowed us to record our meetings and make them available to our members to watch whenever they want. Most of the videos can only be accessed by members, but we have made one available to everyone. This is a fascinating talk about Vulture Conservation by Campbell Murn. He is Head of Conservation and Research at the Hawk Conservancy Trust, and a lecturer at the University of Reading.  He firstly focuses on some of the critically endangered vulture species in South Asia, discussing why they have catastrophically declined and the conservation efforts being made to try to aid their recovery. He then describes how the African protected area network is used to estimate global populations, based on a case study of White-headed Vultures.

You can watch this recording here.

If you are a member of the BOC, a full list of the recordings is available from Iain Oldcorn, our Membership Secretary, (

We hope you enjoy them!