Fobney Island – help needed

Fobney Island was created four years ago as a wetland nature reserve with a series of pools and scrapes  [ ]. It has developed an excellent flora and attracted a range of wetland bird species, including Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Gadwall in the breeding season and a range of passage and wintering waders and ducks. However, an invasion of Willow is making unsuitable for many wetland species and we are seeking to eradicate it.
The conservation volunteer group, CRoW (Conservation in Reading on Wednesdays) will be holding a work party to clear the willow on Wednesday 26th August, starting at 10 am. There is a lot of willow and we are seeking as many volunteers as possible to come and join us. The job involves pulling or digging up the willow saplings and collecting them up away from the scrapes. It may be muddy, so wellington boots are advisable. CRoW will be providing tea/coffee, but if you can stay into the afternoon, bring a packed lunch.
The entrance to Fobney Island is at Fobney Lock (SU705709), with car parking at the end of Island Road (at the end of the lane opposite Reading’s recycling centre off the A33)  Do come if you can!
For more information, contact or phone 0787 981 2564