Club membership success

Club membership success

This time last year, the club?s committee began to be anxious about the gentle but none-the-less steady decline in
the club?s membership, and worried about funding the publication of all the ?Birds of Berkshire? annual (or
bi-annual) reports from dwindling subscriptions. The committee decided on a publicity drive, and on welcoming
closer relationships with like minded associations within Berkshire and just beyond its boundaries. Ruth Angus was
appointed as Publicity Officer and she has thrown herself into the task with gusto, producing leaflets and splendid
coloured posters advertising our activities and membership details, and then carting these round the libraries,
hides at nature reserves and other venues and constantly checking to keep the displays filled up. This work has
been complemented by Marek Walford?s updating and improvement of our web site, and by our indefatigable chairman?s
spreading of the word at various meetings and with contacts, often on walks, not necessarily organised by the
R.O.C. Members who were already strongly involved with conservation work with other groups,such as T.A.B.C.G.,
F.O.LL, and Moor Green lakes Group were encouraged to spread the word too.

The results of all this effort? I have just enrolled the 50th new member since April 1st 2004! In previous years
new members averaged about 16 each year and often 18 or so were lost through old age, moving away or just loss of
interest. This year we have lost only 5 in this way, so we have a net gain of 45 members. Our new members are of
both sexes and by no means all of them are in the retired category; indeed several of them are students. They cite
the leaflets, the posters, the web site and existing members as their source of information. So, well done
everybody! Keep up the good work!

Dot Lincoln –

6 April 2005