Can you help the BOC?

We are looking for people who are willing to join the BOC committee. There are a number of vacancies, as listed below, and we need to find people to fulfil these key roles in the Club. So, if you have some time on your hands and and would like to get more involved in the Club, this is your chance.

Ordinary Committee Members

These posts are Trustees of the BOC. Ordinary Committee Members, who are elected for a three year term, have a number of specific responsibilities as trustees of the charity, whose objects and rules are set out in the constitution. Committee membership is open to any adult member of the Club.  There is currently one vacancy.

You can find out more about what is involved here or by having a chat with the Secretary (Sally Wearing) or the Chairman at one of the indoor meetings or by emailing us.

Editorial team

We are seeking people to help with preparing species accounts and editing of The Birds of Berkshire Annual report and to develop our advertising revenue. Contact Renton Righelato ( for more information.

Sally Wearing
Secretary, Berkshire Ornithological Club
October 2015