Waders on the Move

Graham Appleton
We will be meeting in person in Room 109 in the Palmer Building at usual, but you can also join remotely via Zoom if you prefer.  Please click here to join the meeting. You can join from 7.45 pm and the meeting will start at 8 pm.  You will be muted when you join; please stay muted except when you have been asked to unmute, for recent sightings, questions, etc.
Graham Appleton writes the popular blog series WaderTales, translating the latest wader research into articles for colour-ring readers, WeBS counters and birdwatchers more generally. Graham has been a ‘waderologist’ for nearly fifty years. He spent 16 years working for BTO, as a fundraiser and latterly the Director of Communications.
Disappearing Redshank, an aging Curlew population producing too few chicks, colour-ringed Sanderling that connect Greenland to Namibia, disturbed Turnstones and a booming Black-tailed Godwit population. Where do our waders come from and why are we seeing so many changes to numbers?