• Birding highlights of 2016 Ken Moore
  • Ground-nesting bird survey, Greenham and Crookham Commons Adrian Hickman
  • Berkshire breeding Water Rail survey 2016-8 Renton Righelato
  • Monitoring Annex 1 species on the Thames Basin Heaths. Patrick Crowley et al.
  • From the archives: Black-winged Pratincole Richard Burness
  • Finder’s reports: Leach’s Petrel and Sabine’s Gull Andy Tomczynski
  • 25 years of the Berkshire Bird Index Renton Righelato
  • Dragonflies and Damselflies Mike Turton
  • Sytematic list for 2016 Richard Burness

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  • Birding highlights of 2015 Ken Moore
  • Branta hybrids in spring 2015 Richard Burness et al
  • Common Rosefinch at Greenham Lesley Staves
  • Icterine Warbler near Kintbury John Swallow
  • Red-necked Phalarope at Theale Andrew Merrick
  • Ringing at Hosehill LNR Tim Ball
  • The Berkshire Bird Index Renton Righelato
  • Dragonflies and damselflies Mike Turton
  • Systematic list for 2015 Richard Burness

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  • Birding highlights of 2014 Ken Moore
  • White Stork at Shinfield Nigel Rampton
  • Great Reed Warbler at Green Park, Reading Kevin Tubb
  • The TABCG Nightingale surveys Richard Crawford
  • Berkshire Black-headed Gull ringing project Tim Ball
  • The Berkshire Bird Index Renton Righelato
  • Dragonflies and Damselflies Mike Turton
  • Systematic list for 2014 Derek Barker

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  • Berkshire Bird Index 2013 Renton Righelato
  • Birding highlights of 2013 Ken Moore
  • Damselflies & Dragonflies in Berkshire Mike Turton
  • Systematic list for 2013

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  • Monitoring of Annex 1 species on the Thames Basin SPA Patrick Crowley
  • Buff-bellied Pipits at Queen Mother Reservoir Mike McKee
  • The Berkshire Bird Index 2012 Renton Righelato
  • Damselflies and dragonflies Mike Turton.

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  • Changes in earliest arrival dates of summer visitors Renton Righelato
  • The Berkshire Bird Index 2011 Renton Righelato
  • Glossy Ibises in Berkshire Chris Heard
  • Damselflies and Dragonflies in Berkshire Mike Turton

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  • Effects of recent cold winters on Stonechats in Berkshire Renton Righelato
  • Blackcaps in a suburban garden Tim Ball
  • A Blackcap in the Snow Tim Ball
  • Dragonflies and damselflies Mike Turton

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  • Initial results from a Nightjar-monitoring project, Tim Ball
  • White-spotted Bluethroat at Woolhampton, Ken Moore
  • Dragonflies and Damselflies, Mike Turton

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  • Cormorant Breeding Colony Survey 2000 Pat Martin
  • Survey of House Sparrows in College Town, Sandhurst in 2000 Des Sussex
  • Honey Buzzard Influx in Sptember 2000 Chris Heard
  • Autumn Passage of the Yellow Wagtail in Berkshire Peter Standley & Richard Crawford
  • A Black Kite in West Berkshire Chris Heard
  • A Perplexing ‘Ferruginous-type’ Hybrid in East Berkshire Chris Heard

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